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How To Get Out Of The Office For An Interview? 

Getting out of the office for an interview can be tricky, especially if you don’t want to raise any red flags with your current employer. However, with a little planning and preparation, you can successfully schedule and attend an interview without causing any issues at work. Here are some tips on how to get out of the office for an interview:

  1. Schedule the interview outside of work hours

One of the simplest ways to get out of the office for an interview is to schedule it outside of your regular work hours. This might mean scheduling an interview for early in the morning, during your lunch break, or in the evening after work. By scheduling the interview outside of work hours, you won’t have to take time off from work, and your absence won’t be as noticeable to your employer.

  1. Use vacation or personal days

If you can’t schedule the interview outside of work hours, consider using vacation or personal days to take time off from work. Be sure to request the time off well in advance and have a good reason ready if your employer asks. You don’t necessarily have to tell them that you’re going on an interview, but you could say that you have a doctor’s appointment, a family emergency, or another important appointment that you can’t reschedule.

  1. Take a long lunch break

Another option is to take a long lunch break on the day of the interview. You could schedule the interview for midday and ask your current employer if you can take an extended lunch break. Be sure to make up the time you missed by coming in early, staying late, or working on the weekend if necessary.

  1. Work remotely

If you have the option to work remotely, consider scheduling the interview for a day when you’re working from home. This way, you won’t have to take time off from work, and you can attend the interview without your employer knowing. Just be sure to schedule the interview for a time when you won’t be expected to be available for work.

  1. Be discreet

Finally, it’s important to be discreet when scheduling and attending interviews. Don’t tell your coworkers or boss that you’re going on an interview, and avoid discussing it at work. Also, don’t wear your interview outfit to work, as this could give away your plans. Instead, bring a change of clothes with you and change before the interview.

In conclusion, getting out of the office for an interview can be challenging, but it’s not impossible. By scheduling the interview outside of work hours, using vacation or personal days, taking a long lunch break, working remotely, and being discreet, you can successfully attend an interview without causing any issues at work. Good luck!

If you need help with perfecting your interview skills, check out our Interview Preparation session for overcoming your obstacles. Contact us for a customized approach to your needs. 

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