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customer service manager

Customer Service Manager Job Description (2023)

This is an example of a Customer Service Manager job description for a reference to review when building your resume. You can analyze the qualifications and requirements listed to get an understanding of what you need to include on your resume for what employers would look for in this field.


Customer Service Managers are responsible for managing and running a company’s customer service team. They ensure that customers are satisfied with the company’s products and services, and they work to resolve any issues that arise.

Additional strategies for this can be found here


  • Overseeing the day-to-day operations of the customer service team
  • Keeping track of the customer service team’s work schedule, including overtime hours and vacation days
  • Reviewing metrics about how well each employee is doing on their job, as well as providing feedback about how they can improve
  • Setting goals for their team and measuring their success against those goals
  • Responding to emails and phone calls from customers
  • Answering questions about products and services
  • Handling complaints from customers
  • Helping customers resolve problems with billing or order fulfillment
  • Responsible for identifying areas where training may need to occur and providing any necessary training.


  • Bachelor’s degree in business administration or related field 
  • 5 years of experience managing customer service teams
  • Expert knowledge of customer service software, including Zendesk and Salesforce
  • Strong communication skills, both written and verbal
  • Must be able to work in a fast-paced environment
  • Must have excellent leadership and people skills
  • Must be able to communicate with customers in a way that is professional, but also friendly and approachable
  • Must be able to handle pressure well and keep cool under pressure

If you would like more help with your resume, check out our Resume Writing Package, Resume Bundles, or contact us today for a customized quote. 

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