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Boost Your Career with 75 Free Online Certifications

In today’s competitive job market, certifications can significantly enhance your resume and skillset. We’ve compiled an extensive list of 75 free online certifications across various industries to help you advance your career without breaking the bank.

Technology and IT

  1. AWS Certification
  2. Google Cloud Computing Foundations
  3. IBM Cognitive Class AI and Data Science
  4. freeCodeCamp Web Development
  5. Microsoft Azure Essentials
  6. Introduction to Cyber Security (Coursera)
  7. Cloud Computing Foundations (Coursera)
  8. Python Foundations (edX)
  9. Java Programming (Coursera)
  10. Data Structures and Algorithms in Java (Coursera)
  11. Front End Development (freeCodeCamp)
  12. Blockchain Basics (Coursera)
  13. DevOps Online Certification (edX)
  14. Angular JS (Udemy)
  15. MongoDB Basics (MongoDB University)
  16. MongoDB for SQL Pros (MongoDB University)

Marketing and Digital Skills

  1. HubSpot Inbound Marketing
  2. HubSpot Content Marketing
  3. HubSpot Email Marketing
  4. HubSpot Digital Marketing
  5. HubSpot Inbound Sales
  6. Google Skillshop Digital Marketing
  7. SEMrush SEO Fundamentals
  8. SEMrush Content Marketing
  9. Google Analytics Academy
  10. Social Media Marketing (Coursera)
  11. Digital Advertising (Coursera)
  12. Email Marketing (Great Learning)

Data Science and Analytics

  1. Google Analytics for Beginners
  2. Data Analytics using Excel (Coursera)
  3. Introduction to Deep Learning (Coursera)
  4. Introduction to NoSQL (edX)
  5. Data Visualization Using Tableau (Coursera)
  6. Kaggle Intro to Machine Learning
  7. Kaggle Machine Learning Explainability

Project Management

  1. Introduction to Project Management (Coursera)
  2. Agile Project Management (Coursera)

Business and Entrepreneurship

  1. Digital Skills for Work and Life (FutureLearn)
  2. Introduction to Design Thinking (edX)
  3. Entrepreneurship Fundamentals (edX)

Creative Skills

  1. Photoshop Certification (EDUCBA)
  2. LinkedIn Learning Photoshop Tips

Language and Communication

  1. Technical Writing (Saylor Academy)
  2. Technical Writing Essentials (Alison)

Health and Wellness

  1. Understanding Mediterranean and Okinawa Diets (FutureLearn)
  2. Understanding Food Labels (University of Reading)

Finance and Accounting

  1. Introduction to Financial Accounting (Coursera)
  2. Bookkeeping Basics (Coursera)

Computer Science

  1. Harvard CS50: Introduction to Computer Science (edX)
  2. Stanford Introduction to Computer Science (Coursera)

Artificial Intelligence

  1. Elements of AI
  2. AI for Everyone (Coursera)


  1. Introduction to Information Security (Coursera)
  2. Cybersecurity Fundamentals (edX)

Cloud Computing

  1. Cloud Computing Basics (Coursera)
  2. Introduction to AWS (AWS)

Digital Marketing

  1. Digital Marketing Fundamentals (Coursera)
  2. SEO Certification Course (HubSpot Academy)

Customer Service

  1. Customer Service Fundamentals (Coursera)
  2. Client Communication Skills (Coursera)

Data Analysis

  1. SQL for Data Analysis (Coursera)
  2. Excel for Data Analysis (Coursera)

Web Development

  1. Responsive Web Design (freeCodeCamp)
  2. JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures (freeCodeCamp)
  3. Front End Development Libraries (freeCodeCamp)

Software Development

  1. Git and GitHub Basics (Coursera)
  2. Agile Software Development (Coursera)

Mobile App Development

  1. Android App Development for Beginners (Udacity)
  2. iOS App Development Basics (Udacity)


  1. Introduction to Computer Networks (Coursera)
  2. Network Security Fundamentals (Coursera)

Soft Skills

  1. Effective Communication Skills (Coursera)
  2. Time Management Essentials (Coursera)
  3. Leadership Fundamentals (Coursera)
  4. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving (Coursera)

This list provides links to some of the top platforms offering free online certifications to boost your skills and advance your career. Take advantage of these valuable resources today!

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