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Best Job Boards for Communication Professionals

Are you looking for where to search for jobs as a communication professional? We compiled a quick list of the best job boards to look for communication opportunities for you.


CareerBuilder is a great place to look for jobs. They have a lot of different job boards, and they also offer job search tools and tips that can help you find the right job.

If you want to do your research before submitting an application, CareerBuilder has some resources available on their website. They have articles about how to write a good resume or cover letter, how to prepare for interviews and what questions employers ask during these sessions (and what answers are best).


Monster is a great place to look for jobs. They have a wide range of jobs, including communications and marketing specialists, graphic designers and more. In addition to the job board itself, they also offer career center tools that will help you hone in on your skills and interests before applying for positions.

If you’re interested in advertising or public relations but don’t know where to start looking for a new job or internship then check out Monster!

International Association of Business Communicators (IABC)

The International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) is a professional association that was founded in 2002. It has more than 60,000 members and is a nonprofit organization. The IABC’s website offers information about how to join or renew your membership, as well as tips for becoming an effective communicator.


ZipRecruiter is the most popular job board for communication professionals. It’s also a great place to find out about new communication jobs, as well as post your own resume or apply for one of the many open positions listed on the site.

If you’re looking for a career change in this field, you can use ZipRecruiter’s built-in search functionality to narrow down your search by location, company size and industry preference (e.g., public relations vs social media). You’ll be able to see exactly what kind of roles are available at each company so that you can determine which ones would be right for you!

Public Relations Society of America (PRSA)

The Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) is the largest professional association for public relations professionals, with more than 50,000 members worldwide. It has grown over 1,000 chapters across the country. PRSA offers career resources for aspiring communicators and offers continuing education classes on topics such as writing for social media or crisis communications.


Indeed is a job search engine that has been around for a while and now over 100 million unique visitors each month. You can search by company, location, job title, etc. for any type of job.

  • Businesses (including marketing and sales)
  • Government organizations (military, police and fire departments)


LinkedIn is a great place to search for jobs. It has job boards for pretty much every industry and skill set, so you can find any position you want to apply for.

LinkedIn also has a lot of people that have been hired from LinkedIn, which makes it an excellent resource if you’re looking for more information about the company culture or their hiring process.


Another great resource for job seekers is, a social network for employees to exchange information about their companies and jobs. Glassdoor allows employees to anonymously post reviews about their companies and potential employers, giving job-seekers an inside look at the company culture, salaries and benefits offered along with any other useful information that can help them make better hiring decisions. Here are some of the key features of this site: It’s free to use! It has over 20 million employee reviews posted by people who have worked at many different businesses both large and small.

Glassdoor’s user interface is clean and easy-to-use, so it’s an excellent choice if you have little experience using websites like this one. The search function also works well and returns relevant results quickly—you don’t have to spend time scrolling through hundreds of listings before finding what you’re looking for!

Contact us if you would like assistance navigating your career or any other career related items for a customized approach to your needs.  

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